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About Varun Goel

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Varun Goel is a name among the young entrepreneurs & emerging youth leader who has shown that neither lack of money nor small age can stop a person who is obsessed with his vision. Starting his business while on complete bed rest due to a major accident Varun has proved that “it doesn’t matter how many problems you have in your life, if you are completely obsessed with your vision and the change you want to bring into the world, you just need 1 reason to accomplish it”.

Founder, CEO at Todayq

Crypto PR Agency

How it started?

Varun grew up in a middle-class family, where his father, a retired employee of Hindustan Unilever Limited, his mother, a dedicated homemaker, and his sister, an electronics engineer, supported him throughout his journey. From a young age, Varun was fascinated by electronics and the internet, constantly exploring new things and spending hours surfing the web and creating.


His passion led him to dabble in hacking by the age of 10, and at just 16, he launched Todayq. Despite his achievements in school, such as winning international Olympiads and consistently excelling in academics, Varun realized early on that the formal education system wasn’t fulfilling. At 16, in the midst of his 10th-grade studies, he began to question the value of a system that prioritized grades over real learning. The narrow-mindedness of his peers, who were uninterested in the things that excited him like self-improvement, technology, and finance, only confirmed his feelings. 


Varun didn’t let his surroundings discourage him. Instead, he focused on self-growth, though his circle of friends gradually shrank. When he started 11th grade in April 2017 at a new school, he found more time to work on himself. But life, as it often does, threw a challenge his way.


In May 2017, just a month after starting school, Varun was in a severe accident that left him bedridden for six months. Many would have taken the time to recover fully, but Varun’s determination didn’t allow him to stop. Just two weeks into his recovery, he was back on his laptop, searching for new ways to learn and grow. This is when he started an Instagram page sharing motivational and inspirational quotes, something he’d always been passionate about. He then had the idea to innovate how people share quotes, and was born. 


With only Rs. 300 in hand, he bought the domain and used a free website builder to bring his idea to life. From his bed, still recovering, Varun spent days and nights working on the site, driving traffic to it. However, with no revenue initially and no funds to buy a full-fledged website builder, he relied on free trials. Every 30 days, he had to rebuild his website from scratch, but he didn’t mind.


After a few months of hard work, Varun managed to generate around Rs. 5,000 from his website, which he reinvested to grow Todayq. But not everything goes as planned. One day, during a conversation with the support team of the website builder, a mistake led to the deletion of his entire site. Everything he had built vanished in an instant. When he tried to restore it, he was told it would cost Rs. 12,500—money he didn’t have.


Devastated, Varun stopped everything. But then, something unexpected happened. A childhood friend visited him and, after hearing about what had happened, said, “I see Todayq becoming a successful company one day. I know if you work on it, you can do it.”


Those words reignited Varun’s drive. While browsing the internet, he discovered the struggles faced by cryptocurrency traders. With his growing interest in blockchain and cryptocurrency, he saw an opportunity to help. That’s when Todayq evolved into "Todayq - Connecting Crypto Traders & Analysts Worldwide."


By assembling the right team and creating a product that solved real problems for crypto traders, Todayq started gaining recognition. In September 2019, Varun proudly revealed that Todayq had generated a total revenue of Rs. 10,00,000. While that figure might not seem huge to everyone, for Varun, it represented a journey from Rs. 300 to Rs. 10 lakhs—a journey he cherishes more than the money itself.


Varun believes that life isn’t just about making money; it’s about the impact you have on others. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge with those who, like him, aspire to achieve something meaningful. His two guiding principles in life are simple yet profound: 


"We are human beings, and we live on an economic planet."


To Varun, these rules are a reminder that while we must strive for empathy, humanity, and helping others, we also need to acknowledge the economic realities of the world. He remains active on social media, sharing these insights and more with those who follow his journey.

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